SWOT Analysis and Financial Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation

SWOT Analysis and Financial Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation

  • Category
    Manajemen Keuangan
  • Jenis Kegiatan
SWOT Analysis and Financial Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation
  • Framework of business
  • Management process  and goal setting  : SMART formulation
  • SWOT Analysis process and  gap analysis and cases
  • Strategy formulation and implementation : framework and case study
  • Financial structure and cash flow and profit analysis and performance improvement
  • Financial distress detection  and strategic proactive action
  • Analysis of PLC,  KPI formulation and implementaion, Financial driver and profit analysis,  Financial sustainability indicator, Financial ratio analysis , and key success factor.
  • Diskusi kasus dan  rekomentasi solutif : kasus bisnis Indonesia.

- Soft file materi eksklusif
- E-sertifikat dari IAI Pusat
- Video recording pelatihan


  • Tanggal : 29-Okt-2024 s/d 31-Okt-2024
  • Jam : 1:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Lokasi/Platform : Ms Team
  • Ruangan : Teams DA
  • Sisa Kapasitas : 145
  • SKP : 12

Biaya Investasi

  • Anggota Muda : Rp. 1.250.000
  • Anggota Madya : Rp. 1.250.000
  • Anggota Utama : Rp. 1.250.000
  • Umum : Rp. 1.750.000