[Online} International Tax Conference 2024 "Managing Uncertainty in the Dynamic Global Tax Landscape"

[Online} International Tax Conference 2024 "Managing Uncertainty in the Dynamic Global Tax Landscape"

  • Category
  • Jenis Kegiatan
[Online} International Tax Conference 2024


  • Tanggal : 03-Okt-2024
  • Jam : 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Lokasi/Platform : Zoom
  • Ruangan : Zoom
  • Sisa Kapasitas : 891
  • SKP : 8

Biaya Investasi

  • Anggota Muda : Rp. 500.000
  • Anggota Madya : Rp. 900.000
  • Anggota Utama : Rp. 900.000
  • Umum : Rp. 1.500.000